The World Association for Political Economy
WAPE is a Chinese-run academic economics organisation, aiming to link up with Marxist economists globally. It aims to promote the success of the Chinese development model as these academics see it. Even though that might seem like bias, the WAPE forums and journals still provide an important outlet to discuss all the developments in the world capitalist economy from a Marxist perspective. Marxist economists from all over the world are welcome to join WAPE and attend WAPE forums. WAPE aims to encourage cooperation among Marxist economists and to enlarge and strengthen the influence of Marxist economics in the world.
PUBLICATION POSSIBILITIES. All accepted full papers will be considered for publication in the World Review of Political Economy and the International Critical Thought after passing the peer refereeing process.
WRPE. The World Review of Political Economy is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal of Marxist Political Economy sponsored by WAPE and published by Pluto Journals. For more information including types of submissions that will be considered, please go to and submit your articles to WRPE via WRPE ScholarOne Manuscripts site
The 17th WAPE Forum was held 2-4 August 2024 at Panteion University, Athens, Greece. To see the programme click here.
It was co-organised by WAPE (World Association of Political Economy – and GAPE (Greek Association of Political Economy – ) and hosted by the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (
17th WAPE Forum Papers
The WAPE 17th Forum held a series of panels on subjects within the broad scope of the conference which included a Young Scholars’ Section where ongoing PhD students were able to presented their work.
Here you can read the 17th WAPE FORUM statement document and the 17th WAPE Forum final report.
Publication Possibilities: All accepted and submitted papers will be published as an e-book with ISBN. Best papers will be considered for publication in the World Review of Political Economy ( and the International Critical Thought ( after passing the peer refereeing process. and
The 16th Forum of the World Association for Political Economy (WAPE) was held from 25- 27th September at Fuzhou City, China.
The 16th annual conference of the World Association for Political Economy (WAPE) was hosted from 25- 27 September 2023 at Fuzho, China. The conference “Chinese Modernization and the prospects of world modernization” was attended in person by many delegates and also by other international participants.
World modernization has gone through three waves of development, and various modes of modernization emerged in these waves. Chinese modernization contains elements that are common to the modernization of other countries, but its most distinctive features shatter the myth that “modernization equals westernization,” while offering the humankind new paths to modernization. It inspires us to reflect on the problems of western capitalist modernization, helping developing countries find a suitable path for their own modernization, and remapping world modernization.
This forum’s aim was to generate both greater knowledge and new policy options for the better advance of Chinese modernization and world modernization. WAPE 2023 invited all contributions to enrich the perspective of modernization and expand the ground for further discussion. Here you can read the 16th WAPE Forum schedule.
Join as a WAPE member. WAPE develop itself as a membership organization to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, new thought and research across the divide of languages and geography as well as offer its members access to certain benefits. Read more here
The WAPE Secretariat, June 2022