WRPE 14_3 Salimah Valiani

WRPE 14_1 Dr Abdil Koc

WRPE 13_4 Joe Pateman

WRPE14 3. Authors B. Gloria Martínez , Alejandro Valle Baeza

17th WAPE Forum

The 17th WAPE Forum will be held 2-4 August 2024 at Panteion University, Athens, Greece. To read more click here.  It is co-organised by WAPE (World Association of Political Economy – http://www.wapeweb.org/) and GAPE (Greek Association of Political Economy – https://politicaleconomy.gr/main/en ) and hosted by the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (https://www.panteion.gr/en/).

The World Review of Political Economy Volume 14 Number 4 The World Review of Political Economy Volume 14 Number 4.

The World Review of Political Economy Volume 14 Number 4.This edition comprises five articles addressing Political Economy and heterodox views. Author Jeff Noonan’s article “Exploitation, Capitalist Crisis, and Democratic Planning: Problems of Piketty’s Socialism” carefully analyses the arguments of Thomas Piketty on the deleterious effects of income and wealth inequality which give Marxists an opportunity […]

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